Monday, August 19, 2019


Getting good sleep is incredibly important for your overall health.
It may reduce your risk of developing certain chronic illnesses, keep your brain and digestion healthy and boost your immune system. It's generally recommended to get between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, though many people struggle to get enough.There are many strategies you can use to promote good sleep, including making changes to your diet, as some foods have sleep-promoting properties.
These 7 foods you can eat before bed to enhance your sleep quality.

1. Almonds
Almonds are a type of tree nut with many health benefits.They are an excellent source of many nutrients, as one ounce contains 14% of your daily needs for phosphorus, 32% for manganese and 17% for riboflavin.Also, eating almonds regularly has been associated with lower risks of a few chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. This is attributed to their content of healthy monounsaturated fat, fiber and antioxidants.It has been claimed that almonds may also help boost sleep quality.This is because almonds, along with several other types of nuts, are a source of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Almonds are also an excellent source of magnesium, providing 19% of your daily needs in only 1 ounce. Consuming adequate amounts of magnesium may help improve sleep quality, especially for those who have insomnia.Magnesium’s role in promoting sleep is thought to be due to its ability to reduce inflammation. Additionally, it may help reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is known to interrupt sleep.Almonds are a source of melatonin and the sleep-promoting mineral magnesium, two properties that make them a great food to eat before bed.

2. Turkey
Turkey is delicious and nutritious.It is high in protein, providing 4 grams per ounce (28 grams). Protein is important for keeping your muscles strong and regulating your appetite.Additionally, turkey is a good source of a few vitamins and minerals. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving contains 5% of your daily needs for riboflavin, 5% for phosphorus and 9% for selenium.Turkey may be a great food to eat before bed due to its high content of protein and tryptophan, both of which may induce tiredness.

3. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is a popular herbal tea that may offer a variety of health benefits.It is well known for its content of flavones, a class of antioxidants that reduce inflammation that often leads to chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.There is also some evidence that drinking chamomile tea may boost your immune system, reduce anxiety and depression and improve skin health. In addition, chamomile tea has some unique properties that may improve sleep quality.Specifically, chamomile tea contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia.Chamomile tea contains antioxidants that may promote sleepiness, and drinking it has been shown to improve overall sleep quality.

4. Kiwi
Kiwis are a low-calorie and very nutritious fruit.One medium kiwi contains only 50 calories and a significant amount of nutrients, including 117% of your daily needs for vitamin C and 38% for vitamin K.It also contains a decent amount of folate and potassium, as well as several trace minerals.Furthermore, eating kiwis may benefit your digestive health, reduce inflammation and lower your cholesterol. These effects are due to the high amount of fiber and carotenoid antioxidants that they provide.Kiwis are rich in serotonin and antioxidants, both of which may improve sleep quality when eaten before bed.

5. Tart Cherry Juice
Tart cherry juice has some impressive health benefits.First, it’s high in a few important nutrients. An 8-ounce (240-ml) serving contains 62% of your daily needs for vitamin A, 40% for vitamin C and 14% for manganese.Additionally, it is a rich source of antioxidants, including anthocyanins and flavonols. Antioxidants may protect your cells from harmful inflammation that can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.Tart cherry juice is also known to promote sleepiness, and it has even been studied for its role in relieving insomnia. For these reasons, drinking tart cherry juice before bed may improve your sleep quality.Due to its content of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, tart cherry juice may help induce a good night’s sleep.

6. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel, are incredibly healthy.What makes them unique is their exceptional vitamin D content. For example, a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of salmon contains 525–990 IU of vitamin D, which is over 50% of your daily needs.Additionally, fatty fish are high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, both of which are known for reducing inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids may also protect against heart disease and boost brain health.The combination of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in fatty fish have the potential to enhance sleep quality, as both have been shown to increase the production of serotonin, a sleep-promoting brain chemical.Eating a few ounces of fatty fish before bed may help you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply, but more studies are needed to make a definite conclusion about the ability of fatty fish to improve sleep.Fatty fish are a great source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which have properties that may improve the quality of your sleep.

7. Walnuts
Walnuts are a popular type of tree nut.They are abundant in many nutrients, providing over 19 vitamins and minerals, in addition to 2 grams of fiber, in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving. Walnuts are particularly rich in magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese.Additionally, walnuts are a great source of healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid. They also provide 4 grams of protein per ounce, which may be beneficial for reducing appetite.Walnuts may also boost heart health. They have been studied for their ability to reduce high cholesterol levels, which are a major risk factor for heart disease.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Food To Avoid If You Want Sleep

Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, reduced muscle activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles during rapid eye movement sleep, and reduced interactions with surroundings.There are also foods to avoid that can rob you of sleep. Many of the foods to avoid on this list are healthy for you to eat, but just not recommended to eat before bed because they can interfere with sleep. Some of them are:
1.Foods and drinks that contain caffeine. Drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, or even energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull can really help you if you're feeling tired and just need a little pick-me-up to get the day going. However, it's not recommended to drink caffeine after lunch (and especially near bedtime), as it can interfere with sleep by keeping your mind overactive. Foods with dark chocolate are also high in caffeine and should be avoided late in the day.

2.Spicy foods. While spicy foods are often delicious and even have many noted health benefits, eating spicy foods too close to bedtime can be a very bad idea. Spicy foods are notorious for causing heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux. Heartburn can be made worse while lying down as it allows the acids to creep up into the esophagus and burn the sensitive lining.

3.Alcohol. Contrary to popular belief alcohol does not help promote sleep. While it can make you drowsy and more likely to fall asleep faster, it often disrupts sleep and can deter you from entering the deeper, much needed phases of the sleep cycles.

4.Foods high in fat have been linked to poor, fragmented sleep. Fat triggers the digestive processes and causes a build up of stomach acids, which while lying down can creep into the esophagus causing discomfort. A high fat diet also messes with the production of orexin, one of the neurotransmitters that helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle along with melatonin.

5.Foods high in protein can also disrupt sleep when eaten too close to bedtime. Protein is tougher for the digestive system to break down. Eating protein rich meals near bedtime causes the body to spend more time working on digestion rather than focusing on sleeping.

6.Foods containing water such as watermelon and celery are natural diuretics which help push water through your system. Eating these types of foods and drinking anything too close to bedtime can cause you to lose sleep from middle of the night bathroom trips.

7.Heavy meals before bedtime. As with most things in life, moderation is the key. Even eating too much of the recommended foods before bed can cause you to lose sleep because your body is focused on digestion. If you find yourself hungry before bed, a light snack is recommended. The best light snacks are those that contain tryptophan and calcium such as a bowl of cereal, cheese and crackers, or peanut butter on toast.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Health Benefit Of Fruits To The Body

Fruits are really important for your everyone’s diet. These  10 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Fruit will make you run to the supermarket to buy more fruit. The health benefits are truly amazing.  Babies, kids, and adults should eat fruit everyday and make it a habit. A good healthy habit.
Fresh fruits are a great option for breakfast, snack or dessert. Most fruits are sweet and ready for you to eat without cooking or preparing a recipe. Take an apple, a peach, or a banana and just enjoy. Remember to always have fresh fruit available at home. If you have good choices available, you will make good choices.Children are now eating highly processed snacks that are nutritionally poor and a threat to their future health.  These products are loaded with artificial colors, flavors, refined sugars and are super high in calories. Kids are eating more refined sugars than ever before. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s statistics are alarming. By 2050, 1 in 3 people will have diabetes. You can improve and change that by switching many of these unhealthy snack options for fruit and homemade recipes.Eating more fresh fruit will help you stay away from processed food. Fruit comes from nature not a factory. The closer to nature, the better for your health. Fruits are naturally low in fat, calories, and have key nutrients that your child needs to grow. Fruit helps protect you from illnesses.

1. Eating lots of fruit lowers the risk of developing disease

2. Fruit makes you strong

3. Water content in fruit makes your skin soft and well hydrated

4. All fruit has antioxidants which combats free radicals

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Fruit
Fruits are really important for your everyone’s diet. These Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Fruit will make you run to the supermarket to buy more fruit. The health benefits are truly amazing.  Babies, kids, and adults should eat fruit everyday and make it a habit. A good healthy habit.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Fruit

This Is Why You Need To Eat Fruit
Fresh fruits are a great option for breakfast, snack or dessert. Most fruits are sweet and ready for you to eat without cooking or preparing a recipe. Take an apple, a peach, or a banana and just enjoy. Remember to always have fresh fruit available at home. If you have good choices available, you will make good choices.

Children are now eating highly processed snacks that are nutritionally poor and a threat to their future health.  These products are loaded with artificial colors, flavors, refined sugars and are super high in calories. Kids are eating more refined sugars than ever before. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s statistics are alarming. By 2050, 1 in 3 people will have diabetes. You can improve and change that by switching many of these unhealthy snack options for fruit and homemade recipes.

Eating more fresh fruit will help you stay away from processed food. Fruit comes from nature not a factory. The closer to nature, the better for your health. Fruits are naturally low in fat, calories, and have key nutrients that your child needs to grow. Fruit helps protect you from illnesses.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Fruit
1. Eating lots of fruit lowers the risk of developing disease

2. Fruit makes you strong

3. Water content in fruit makes your skin soft and well hydrated

4. All fruit has antioxidants which combats free radicals

5. Fruit is high in fiber, helping ward off fats and cholesterol from the body

6. Fruit is nutrient dense, and provide our bodies with vitamins and minerals

7. Fruit makes you glow

8. Fruit boosts brain power

9. Fruit makes you feel energized and healthy

10. Fruit keeps your digestive system happy

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Coca-Cola 'linked to heroin' how it stimulates the brain and pleasure centers

According to Naik, the intense sweetness of Coca-Cola as a result of its high sugar content should make us vomit as soon as it enters the body. However, the phosphoric acid in the beverage dulls the sweetness, enabling us to keep the drink down.Blood sugar levels increase dramatically within 20 minutes of drinking the Cola, explains Naik, causing a burst of insulin. The liver then turns the high amounts of sugar circulating our body into fat.Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
SWithin 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
SWithin 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
SWithin 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.
Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. In addition, the water from the Cola will have been cleared from the body via urination, along with nutrients that are important for our health.
According to Naik, the infographic is not only applicable to Coca-Cola, but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
"Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine," writes Naik on his blog The Renegade Pharmacist. "Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity."
"However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm," he adds. "The key is moderation."
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says the beverage is "perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle."
Stay Safe and take enough water.


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